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Dungeons and Dragons 5ed

Goblin Trouble

An adventure designed with new DMs and players in mind it offers an engaging and highly replayable story, tips and advice, maps, handouts and pregen characters. 

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Options for Trollskull Manor

Over 2,500 copies sold! Options... offers fun and easy to use ways to run and upgrade a player-owned manor, the Manor's maps,as well as a short adventure that ties into Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.

Finders Keepers

An epic adventure for 20th level characters, Finders Keepers includes pre-generated heroes, custom maps and a short article about writing and publishing on DMsGuild.

Last Christmas

This fun, over-the-top adventure casts players as famous villains. Their mission: infiltrate Santa Clause's base and... save Christmas!

Places to Rest

A small tie-in supplement, which adds extra rooms for the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Resting in each room provides small in-game benefits.

Homeward Bound

My first publication offers simple rules, a gazeteer and a campaign framework.

The Hag's Hexes

New monsters, character species, spells, items and tonnes of great ideas from some of the best authors on DMsGuild.


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Encounters in the Savage Citites

Another instalment of Jeff Steven's best-selling series, this one feature one encounter from me.

Monsters of the Guild

A legendary project on the Guild: a collaboration of over sixty authors, editors, and artists. Includes two my monsters, both based on Polish folklore.

Villains and Lairs

Another great project from Jeff Stevens, which includes and NPC I wrote.

A Fistful of Coppers

A bundle of various titles (worth $60). Includes Homeward Bound and Finders Keepers.

Encounters in the Savage Seas II, Jeff Stevens et al.

A fantastic collection of naval encounters, including mine (illustrated on the cover!)

Villains&Lairs FREE

A free product featuring my NPC -- an evil monk -- and a description of his secluded monastery.

Blood, Salt&Bones

Two dozen fantastical ships and their crews, featuring 3 I wrote. A collaborative product I'm especially proud of!

Collaborative Projects

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